Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Us!

My wife and I spent the afternoon ushering out our middle son's MSB concert. It might not sound like an auspicious way to celebrate two decades of marriage, but it was beautiful music, in a pretty church, where we could beam with joy at the performance of one of the results of our wedding.

I love being married. That might not sound very profound, but I mean, I really love being married.

My wife has teased me about rounding up. I think I am trying to emphasize the longevity of it all. For years, I've been saying that, "We've been married almost twenty years!"

And now it has happened. Go ahead; ask me what I'm going to say now that I really have been married twenty years...

That's right. I've been married almost a quarter of a century!

It delights me now to contemplate that I have been married longer than I was alive prior to meeting my wife. In a couple of years, I will have been married longer than I was alive and not married.

I know there's no magic point at which it is suddenly easy. Married life is an act of faith, a work of love. It motivates me to wake up happy every day.

Thank you Jennilyn. Twenty years ago you were the girl of my dreams, and by saying. "Yes!" you became the love of my life. You cannot know how happy you have made me, how beautiful you are, how wondrous it is to be with you. There will never be time enough, never words enough, to tell you all of the ways...

I love you.


Jennilyn said...

Je t'aime tant.

Amy said...

Aaaawww, I can't believe it's been TWENTY YEARS!!!