Sunday, March 01, 2009

Go to Sleep! And Eat Your Vegetables!

We have an important rule in our house; Dad's a snoop. I occasionally browse through my kids emails, their browser history. Review what games are installed, what chats they are having. I saw this impressively self-aware comment in a conversation between two children;

"If I got mad at you at night that means I am sleepy"

I worry about my kids getting enough sleep. I tell them at night, when they are so anxious to stay up, play one more game, watch the rest of the movie, have one more turn on the computer, "Go to bed early. If you wake up early, THEN you can play some more!"

So, referral one of the day; go read this article about how to sleep better.

Referral two! I feel very fortunate that my kids are willing to eat stuff that we feed them. This article had some inspiring new ways to tell my kids to, "Eat your Veggies!"

Might as well trot out all the links I've had kicking around. SCIENCE! I love science, and am pleased my children do, too. This article gives us some new things to talk about around the dinner table.

The Economy is in rough shape, but maybe its not as bad as we think. Food for thought.

One author's opinion about the top 25 innovations in recorded history. Another fun one to discuss around the dinner table.

Finally, a thoughtful and adult review of the book "Twilight". Be warned, it's written by an adult, so there's lots of thoughts about sex and the extremely sexual (unconsummated though it may be) relationship between Bella and Edward.


landbeck said...

Okay, you won't have to wait long for tumeric-swiss-chard-pumpkin seeded dishes with your pom on the side! I read all your links, the economic one the fastest (skim, skim). I like your collections--your words, your articles, your books, your children! My heart belongs to you.--oopps, reading on your login, will this look like you just wrote to yourself? xoJBL

Emmalyn said...

I liked these links. Some great things to think about, great articles, and somethings I should be doing more of. Eating more veggies specifically.