Saturday, October 03, 2009

Every Man Should Know How to Tie a Necktie...

... especially a BOW tie.

This is the first in what will become an irregular series of posts about how to be a grown-up in today's society.


Jane Babcock said...

"Grandpa Jack" taught me how to tie a neat Windsor knot when I was a teenager, and I've used it ever since. (I can't do it in a mirror though, and to help someone else to tie a tie, I have to do it on my self and transfer it to them.) Love, Grandpa Ken

Jennilyn said...

You know this makes me want to make you some bow ties--not cheater ones with a simple clip, but the real deal. I think they look very dapper, distinguished. They draw the eye upward, to the speaker's mouth, eyes, instead of down to the belt line/love handles.