Friday, October 22, 2010

One of These Things Is ...

... not like the others.

Can you see how gray/blue the left big toe is?

I stubbed it fiercely on a concrete sidewalk Monday morning. I mean it connected with the edge of the sidewalk right at the nadir of a foot swing, full and directly striking the front of the toe. It cracked the nail and discolored the nail plate. It hurt/stung for the rest of the day. I freely acknowledge that my tendency to wear sandals until there is snow on the ground is a contributing factor to this first injury. Toe boo-boos are worth the perpetuation of my summer-time frame of mind.

Then yesterday, I stubbed the same toe on a couch and it ... I guess "popped" is the right word. The force of this second stubbing separated the nail from the toe a little bit across the top of the nail. Blood everywhere. It's been leaking lymph (I think that's the right term for the translucent fluid that oozes from a wound once the blood stops) all day. I finally took a rubber band and wrapped a napkin around the toe, there's no way a bandaid is going to absorb the fluid.


Interesting job news coming soon (I hope). If things go well, I will soon be teaching again.

In a State Prison. (!)

1 comment:

Jennilyn said...

So sorry for your soreness. Public kisses.