Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Full-time Employment, Check!


I have been checking my cell phone for the last two weeks, checking everyday when I left work to see if I had a missed call from a number not already in my directory. I interviewed at the Maryland Environmental Service, and the more time that passed, the more I was coming to believe that I hadn't gotten the job.

But there on my phone today, a missed call and a voice mail asking me to call back. And when I did, one of my favorite phone conversations ever!

"I'm calling to offer you the position of Manager of Contract Administration."


I start in a few weeks. We will have to figure out what to do with the other three part-time jobs I'm currently working. I feel like this is an answer to prayers. A blessing from paying tithing.

The MES does a lot of waste-water treatment and recycling stuff all over the state, but here's an article about one of their cooler projects.


Emmalyn said...


Julie said...

Wonderful news. It looks to me like the blessings of having a full-time missionary son are already starting to pour in.

Deb said...

Very good news. Congratulations! So now that you're going to be an environmentalist, are you going to grow back your beard?!?

Jane Babcock said...

We are very happy to hear this good news.

Jennilyn said...

I had the same thought as Julie--direct missionary blessings. One mom of a missionary sons said she couldn't wait for them to go, eagerly saw them off to the MTC because of the great physical and spiritual blessings they received. Congratulations, and the beard would be okay with me, too! xo

BobandLu said...

Again, apart from facebook... so happy for you! I'll have to check out that link.