Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tomato Roulette

Jenni made a genius purchase of a dozen tomato plants this summer. We didn't really pay attention to the breeds, and now have a jungle of tomato plants. What tomato breed matures to an orange color? The one on the right is really sweet, but a weird marbled red and orange.

Any advice on how to prevent the weird scabrous green stuff from forming on the top like on the center tomato?

Or how to keep the tomato from splitting like the one on the left?

It's been a fun tomato summer!


Sarah said...

I think I've heard somewhere that splitting is a result of over-watering or irregular watering.

landbeck said...

I can blame the hurricanes for the irregular and over-watering!

Deb said...

My m-i-l said red tomatoes can get yellowy splotches from sunburn. And yeah, the splits are from irregular watering. I'm not sure about the green stuff. I know tomatoes can get blights of one sort or another, but I'm not sure what causes them or how to prevent them. Here in UT, I've had the most success with cherry tomatoes.