Monday, October 10, 2011

Another Law to Take Seriously

I know, late to the party. I've spent the entire technical revolution making fun of people wearing bluetooth headsets ("What's up Captain Kirk?!"), so I've sort of committed myself to not ever wearing them.

But it's now even more illegal than ever to talk on a cell phone in the car. And it's extra super illegal to read texts while driving.

So I'll be changing my voicemail greeting to reflect my new policy of not answering the phone while I'm driving. I promise I will call you back when I stop, though.


Jane Babcock said...

A very wise law to obey. We have learned from sad experience.

Deb said...

Yeah, now if someone is weaving on the road it's often they're using a cell phone not necessarily drunk. I know it's illegal to text while driving in UT, but I don't know about talking on the cell phone. Seems like "everybody" does it here! So it's hard to know. And smart not to.