Saturday, June 08, 2013

Post-Grad Outing.

Jenni has blogged before about Johnny's; a sushi join in Perryville, MD that is absolutely dynamite.

It was where Suzanna wanted to go after her graduation to celebrate.

Like Jenni said, we missed the Ritchies!

It was an opportunity to order the biggest collection of sushi on the menu, the Love Boat Deluxe!  The sushi is the best I've ever had, but the presentation that Johnny puts together is amazing.

Look closer at that picture; the crab is made from a carrot.  The Turtles are made from cucumbers!

Suzanna was the guest of honor, she got to kiss the turtle!

My favorite moments from the dinner were when Sam (after initially being very dubious about this whole raw fish thing!) brought his plate back for more, and when Suzanna declared her octopus was delicious.  I am so happy my kids have mature palates, and trust us when we say, "Try this. It's fried soft crab with avocado, two things you're not wild about, but together they're amazing!"


Deb said...

Very cool.

Emmalyn said...

Love the fun details. Crab and cucumber.

We would have helped gobble it up too!

And we have fantastic taste because our parents encouraged us to try funny sounding things! Excellent that suzu and sam are joining the club.

Did RJ like it?