Friday, January 11, 2013

Because It's Fun to Play Along

Jennilyn and I being elves for Halloween

Mrs. Landbeck has been asking me to blog more lately.  It's been hard to make time, but it's easy enough when I find a picture I meant to put up months ago.

OK, 16 months ago. Something I've noticed often in the married male friends I know, is this scenario that plays out. The wife asks the husband to do something. Singing, or maybe dancing. Wearing a costume. And the husband reacts with obvious discomfort and embarrassment, and he refuses. I'm guilty of that, too. But I've learned to go along. And I've never regretted it.


Emmalyn said...

I showed Dean this pictures and he said "aww". I like the elf ears! I am listening to the Hobbit this week to/from work. It's much shorter, but good while I decide what to listen to next.

Emmalyn said...

And I like it when you blog lots too!