Thursday, April 04, 2013

Yay Spring!

 I was struck going to church a few weeks ago that all my girls have green coats.  Oh wait, it was St. Patrick's Day!  Jenni got Sam a green tie so he could join the party.

This was Sam being awesome and joining the party for a Regional Youth Dance that asked attendees to wear a Disney Costume.  He is wearing his Great-Grandpa Landbeck's kimono, and is Chang, the training/soldier dude that Donny Osmond sang the songs for in "Mulan". Hysterically, a Young Woman from our ward came as Mulan.  Sam reports they did dance together at least once.

 An East Coast Tradition.  On the first day of Spring, a local dessertery named "Rita's" gives out free small Italian Ice Desserts.  It was Wednesday, and I was bushed after Mutual, but Suzanna very nicely gave them rides.  Happiness!

And something I sincerely hope does NOT become a Spring Tradition, six inches of snow on the last Monday in March!  Kids enjoyed the snow day from school, but are all grumbly about having to make it up this week with a shortened Spring Vacation.


Emmalyn said...

Fun green coats! Yum Rita's! Boo snow...

BobandLu said...

Peter loves Sam. After looking at these photos, there's lots of talk about "where is Sam?" and "is that Sam's family?" He has good Summer memories.

landbeck said...

We need to get Pete and Sam together again soon!