Saturday, December 27, 2008

Go me-ee! Go me-ee! We're gonna party like it's my birf-day!

So many celebrations this time of year. Do you have your Birthday near another significant event? How do you handle it? I mean, it's just another day of the year for everyone else. Halloween. Valentine's Day. D-day. 9-11. Easter.


I took the philosophical, stay-on-the-happy-side route. Better one big present than two little ones. At least everyone remembers my birthday, even if it's, "Oh, hey, isn't it your birthday this week?" sometimes. And I NEVER had to go to school on MY birthday!

So here I am, forty-one.
Why do we have birthday parties?
To remember our lives?
Do you remember to thank your Mom, on this anniversary of her pain?
How can flowers make up for that?
Do you recall your victories? The pots of gold won?
The adventures you've had?
Is it just a chance for everyone who loves you to commemorate you?
That special meal, that one dessert?

See, I wake up every day gifted with a fortune in children and family
An embarassment of riches.
I come home every day, and the scent of special meals, the sense
memory of meals past, caresses me.
A wealth of love and joy that nearly buries me.

If birthdays are to celebrate, to find a particular and lovely
sentiment about the history and future in life, then
Every day is my birthday. This day, this actual anniversary is
special only on a calendar.
But each day of life is the wealth of joy, my adventure, my victories.

I don't need a party, or a cake, or a meal or gifts.
All I need, is the life I lead each day to make a day

I am happy because I am loved by those I love.


Fine Art by Jennifer said...

Happy birthday! I'm glad you shared your good attitude and love of your family with us.

Amy said...

I am usually so busy planning for Lisey's birthday that I forget to plan anything for mine. It tends to be an afterthought - oh Lisey just had a birthday... wait, that means it's MY birthday soon...