Sunday, December 27, 2009

♪♫You Load Sixteen Tons, Whaddaya Get?♫♪♫

Thank you, Mr. Tennessee Ernie Ford.

Another year older. Yes, I know that the song's lyrics are "Another DAY older", but its contemplative tone resonates with me today.

This is the first time since I started blogging that I remember talking about something in a previous blog post. I think I said it pretty well last year. Go read that blog post!

I am glad to be living the life I have. My children are wonderful, my wife amazing. I am happy.

It has been sort of a drag being unemployed for three months. It seems like every self-observation I make needs to include an allowance for that. Things are good, even though I'm still out of work.

Christmas was great, but yeah, I'm still looking.

Having a great birthday, still applying.

Snow was fun last week, no immediate prospects.

So today, I'm grateful that my jobless status is the only big problem I'm facing. I am fortunate and blessed to be living the life I have.

Yesterday, Jenni and I took each other to see "Avatar" at the 3D Imax theater. Looked great, even though the plot was nothing new. I'm glad we saw it in a real theater.

Our great find was at the Ikea afterwards. Our favorite baby gave us a gift-card for Christmas. We've been collecting these chairs ("Urban" design, I've seen green, icy blue, white, and this color; they call it red, but it's pretty obviously orange, right?) for over two years, watching for them to show up in as is. I guess they are selling off the orange ones, because they were more than 50% off. We got three! If anyone finds any in the Ikea near them for less than $20, buy them for us? We'll get them eventually and pay you back!

Happy Holidays to everyone!

1 comment:

Jane Babcock said...

Heh, we used to teach that song to our English "students" in Mexico. "One fist of iron, the other of steel, if the right one don't a get ya then the left one will." I wonder if they knew what they were singing? Oh well, it was a hoot to hear them belt it out.
We're still praying for you, not only for you to find work, but also that your family will grow stronger in your trust in the Lord from this experience.
Happy birthday, John. Love, Ken