Thursday, November 04, 2010

Grateful for Laughing

"I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith."

"What's the name of his other leg?"

I love laughter, good, clean, joyous laughter. I despise mean-spiritedness, look dimly on mocking, and not a big fan of insult-jokes and ambush-trickery. It is an easy thing, a base thing to make a joke at someone's expense.

Humor can be such a great uniter, an edifying way to lighten the load of your fellows. I seek the company of those who are light-hearted, and laughter is often a good way to find commonality with them.

I love laughing with people I love. Love the rippling sound of heart-felt grinning and giggling.

There is much of that in my home, my life.

And I am grateful for it.

1 comment:

Jennilyn said...

Loud & long & clear!